
Mostrando postagens de agosto, 2024


[MO412] Question 2

Assume you only know two graph traversal algorithms: Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS). Given the following directed graphs, choose the alternative that correctly states, in order , which algorithm reaches NODE H first (least amount of movements). Every traversal must start from NODE A. Also, the list of nodes is ordered alphabetically. a. BFS, BFS, DFS b. BFS, BFS, DFS c. DFS, DFS, BFS d. DFS, DFS, DFS e. None of the above. Original idea by: Vitor Antônio Pimenta Silva

[MO412] Question 1

Identify all backward edges forming cycles within the following directed graph: Assign the alternative that contains all backward edges: A. (a→d, e→c) B. (a→b, c→e) C. (d→a, e→c) D. (d→b, e→c) E. None of the above. Original idea by: Vitor Antônio Pimenta Silva